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Welcome to LWGSongs Blog – A place where everyone has ideas to share. Let us know your thoughts and chat with others here!

8 Responses

  1. This Chart Follow Feature is really cool! I love it! It keeps me on track while playing through the song so I don’t get lost.

  2. “Resurrection Power”, another great lesson from LWG. Great instruction! Thanks again

  3. Don’t be shy … we love to hear and share comments and other members really appreciate it too! Let build this community of Worship guitarists … it starts here!
    Thanks everyone!

  4. You ask about songs we would like to see done. Crowder’s All MY Hope and Tell Me Who I Am To You is another. Your doing a great job Dean. Blessings

  5. Dean I am attempting to sign up for the premium for $12 a month and it will not let me. Please help

    • I can assist please email me or Chat with me on the LIVE Chat on the website and I will walk you through any assistance you need. Thanks, Dean

  6. Hi Dean;
    I have been away from guitar for a long time now. Been through 5 surgeries and a kidney failure. I have lost most of the guitar skills I acquired but the love to play worship guitar still burns in my heart. Please how can I come back to relearning the skills from the scratch?
    Can I get a discount pricing since I never used any thing that I paid for before due to my illness?
    Thank you for your anticipated response.